Our Church
This church is a member of the Christian Reformed Denomination.
The explanations that follow are based on the positions of this denomination. For further topics or additional information you can read more in depth about what we believe on the denomination’s website.

The Bible
We believe the sixty-six books of the Old and New Testaments to be the full record of God’s Word to humanity. The human authors, while writing according to their own styles and personalities, were supernaturally moved by the Holy Spirit to record God’s very words, without error in the original writings and fully reliable in what they communicate.
Learn more on our denomination’s website Bible: Authority | Christian Reformed Church (crcna.org)

The Triune God
We experience and worship the One True Living God, who reveals Himself in three distinct Persons. These three Persons, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, are one in sharing the essence of God, each equally eternal, powerful, and divine.

We believe that God created humanity—male and female—in his own image and likeness, free of sin, to glorify himself and to enjoy an intimate, personal, and unhindered relationship with him. Tempted by Satan, the first man, Adam and woman, Eve, freely chose to disobey God, bringing upon all people the curse of sin and death. All human beings, therefore, are sinful by nature, rebellious by choice, and under the influence of a sin-marred world. All humans are separated from God and in desperate need of the Saviour to restore their relationship with the Father.

We believe that salvation is found in Jesus Christ, who died in our place as a substitute for our sins fully satisfying God’s righteous wrath against sin and evil. Those who turn from sin in repentance and faith are eternally secured as an adopted child of the Father. Genuine faith is seen in a growing obedience to and love for Jesus Christ.

We believe that upon placing faith in the Lord Jesus, the believer and their children baptised in faith are made part of the body of Christ, the one universal Church, of which Christ is the head. The local church is believers who assemble together for worship, prayer, teaching, fellowship, and solemn practices of baptism and the Lord’s Table. Members of the church serve one another and carry out the mission to make disciples. The local church is to be led by elders who shepherd and oversee members.

The sacrament of baptism reminds and assures us that “as surely as water washes away dirt from the body, so certainly [Christ’s] blood and his Spirit wash away . . . all [our] sins” In the Christian Reformed Church, baptism is performed by an ordained minister of the Word or commissioned pastor. The CRC practices infant baptism (for children of believing parents) as well as adult baptism (for adults who join but have not previously been baptized in a Christian church); an adult who is baptized is also called upon to make a public profession of his or her faith in Christ.
Learn more on our denomination’s website Baptism | Christian Reformed Church (crcna.org)

Lord's Supper
The sacrament of the Lord’s Supper is a sign and seal instituted by Jesus Christ to nourish and sustain those who are already born again and engrafted into His family, His Church. It is both a memorial of Christ’s sacrifice and a communion by which a believer's life is nourished and maintained. The bread and wine represent to us the body and blood of Jesus and are eaten spiritually by faith.

We believe marriage is an institution created by God. It is a covenant relationship established by mutual vows between a man and a woman united by God. Marriage ceremonies performed by a pastor in the Covenant CRC, or other pastors using our facilities must fall within this general definition of marriage.

The End Times
We believe that the Lord Jesus will bodily come from heaven as king, redeeming His people and restoring the whole creation. We look forward to this great day in which salvation will finally be made complete, recognizing that no one besides God knows when that day is. In regard to the timing of the events of the rapture, tribulations, and millennial kingdom, the CRCNA has never made a specific pronouncement, though generally we interpret the book of Revelation from an ammillennialist position (Belgic Confession Art. 37).
Worship with Us
If what you read above resonates with you and you'd like to learn more, we welcome you to join the Covenant community in worship